Each Spring, sturgeon fish swim upstream to spawn. The "event" draws an audience from miles around because of their viewable display along the river banks. Sturgeon are very large and prehistoric-looking fish, sometimes measuring up to 6 feet long.
The Wolf River, along highway X in New London, Wisconsin, is one of the spawning locations that draws thousands of visitors each year. Spawning occurs after the river water reaches 53 degrees. Depending on the weather each year, the timing on when the spawning occurs can be anytime between March and May. This year, due to the late winter/cold spring, it looks like we won't see spawning until well into May. When spawning begins, it only lasts for a couple of days. If you want to see it, you will need to be willing to head to New London soon after reports of spawning activity. I subscribed to the email updates a few years ago, so I receive notices each year. You can also call their hotline to get up-to-date information. (920) 303-5444
If you've never experienced a sturgeon spawning in Wisconsin, I would recommend going at least once and bring the kids! It's a very unique experience, and you don't get an idea of how unique and large sturgeon are until you see them in person.
For more information about sturgeon spawning in Wisconsin, visit these websites:
If you are interested in serving as a sturgeon guard, you can find more information here: http://dnr.wi.gov/topic/Fishing/Sturgeon/sturgeonguard.html

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